Ants (3)

How long will the ant treatment be effective?

We give a one month warranty for ants we guarantee to greatly reduce the number of ants on your property. There are many different species of ants and many products target different species. Ants also have multiple nests. Our ant bait Hymenopthor & Termidor targets all species in WA and are highly successful

Do black ants keep white ants away?

Black ants will kill termites but the nest or mud tubes need to be open for them to do that.

How does the ant treatment work?

It contains attractants; the ants take the bait back to the colony and feed the poison to the larva. This will rapidly destroy the ant colony.

Spiders (3)

What should I expect after my spider treatment?

Spider control using pesticides is extremely difficult. Control is usually limited to only killing the spiders on the day of the treatment. Re-establishment of spiders may occur soon after a treatment particularly if the structure is surrounded by much vegetation.

When can I clean the cobwebs away?

Leave the cobwebs for about 10 days as the chemical absorbs into the web and will still be effective against other spiders that move in to claim the old web.

How long will the treatment be effective?

We offer a three month warranty for spiders, which means your spider activity, will be greatly reduced for three months. Many of our customers get an annual service done to keep the spider population under control.

Miscellaneous (3)

If my neighbour gets their house sprayed will I get their bugs in my home?

Some insects will be mobilized after a treatment, however many of these will die soon after. The fact that the insects are fleeing means that they have been affected by the treatment.

If it rains after the treatment, will the treatment wash away?

External treatments cannot be applied during rainy weather. Surface treatments applied to the exterior of the home need 20-30minutes to dry to be effective. Rain AFTER this period will NOT render the treatment ineffective.

I have an aviary and a fish pond what can be done to protect my birds and fish?

We ask that you place a tarpaulin completely over your aviary and fish pond as both birds and fish are quite sensitive to the sprays which we use.

Bed Bugs (2)

How long will it take to treat bed bugs?

Bedbugs are one of the hardest pests to treat, a bedbug may take 3 or more visits to complete the treatment successfully.

How do I prepare for the bed bug treatment, and how is it treated?

We recommend you wash all clothes and bedding on a boiled wash, when removing clothes they must be removed in bags and washed preferably in soluble bags to avoid spreading them around the house. Vacuuming the room is a great way of reducing the number of both adults and eggs in the room. It should only be done with a bag vacuum cleaner which should be disposed of after use.

Bed bugs nest in mattresses and all types of furniture including picture frames bed frame, bed side cabinets, floors etc. in some cases furniture will need to be disposed of including mattresses, carpet edges will be lifted and treated.

To treat bed bugs we recommend to use heat i.e. steam, as this kills every life cycle including eggs, however the first life stage is 1.2mm long and transparent, so it is virtually invisible add this to the ability of bed bugs to wedge in to the tiniest of spaces, we also recommend using a pesticide together this will give the best chances of eradication, but it is very important that the home owner works along with us. We use Ficam which contains the active ingredient Bendiocarb. We use it as it is a non-repellant; which means the bed bugs do not know they are crawling on the poison until it is too late. The danger of using a repellent chemical which you can buy from the supermarket is that you may make the problem worse by causing the bed bugs to move to another room, spreading the infestation to other areas of the home. The pesticide will be used where necessary the technician will advise when on site.

The treated room will need to be empty for up to 18 days after the first treatment, and Pest Patrol will check the room before you move back in.

Bees/Wasps (2)

I have had my wasps treated and they are flying everywhere?

The treatment has disturbed the swarm and the ones that are not killed will move on to another area within the next 3-4 hours

What type of wasps do I have?

The most common wasp is the paper wasp which hovers in flight and nest above ground. They often nest in or under eaves and under fence capping.

I have found an old wasp nest on my property, No, the wasps do not return to an old nest. You may simply destroy an old nest.

Cockroaches (1)

Do I have to clear my cupboards for cockroach treatments?

The Gel we use is registered for use in food preparation places such as restaurants and hospitals. In fact we can apply the Gel in a safe manner even when restaurants are open and working. However in some cases with Germen cockroaches we recommend to clear cupboards and pantries and to dispose of contaminated boxes and packets.

To treat Germen Cockroaches we powder electrical appliances where possible, this is where potential nests may be. We spray where necessary in cupboards, pantries and all floor lines using DuPont Arilon, this works in a unique way with a transfer effect, the cockroaches will not die immediately from this treatment, but will live for up to 30 days spreading the chemical around the colony through grooming and feeding, getting back to the nests, giving great longer lasting results.

We use a DuPont gel, this is put in the kitchen cupboard hinges and in pantry areas or where necessary, this works in the same way as the wet spray.

We also gas if necessary with a Pesti-gas, this draws cockroaches out of hidden areas and attacks there nervous system – YOU MAY NOT ENTER THE TREATED AREA FOR MINIMUM 2 HOURS – ALL FOOD AND COOKING SOURCES WILL NEED TO COVERED OVER

Prior to our treatment you will need to empty all cupboards and pantries in the kitchen area and where ever you require the treatment, please stick to the same room, do not place any items in other rooms as this will spread the infestation, as you cannot see the eggs

This treatment may need to be repeated in extreme cases, your technician will advise you when on site.

Fleas (1)

How do I prepare for flea treatments?

It is important to vacuum all the carpets to remove as many adults and eggs as, if you are vacating a rental it is best to have the carpets cleaned prior to our flea treatment we recommend using PIMP MY CARPETS, Your pet should also be treated with fleas and the bedding if possible should be bagged and removed.

Rats/Mice (4)

If my dog eats a poisoned rat will it kill him/her?

NO. A rat needs to eat a small proportion of bait before it accumulates a lethal dose, therefore your dog would only be coming in contact with a very small percent of rat bait that has been ingested by the rodent. Secondary poisoning is not very common with modern rodenticides.

If you suspect your dog has been poisoned do not hesitate to call your vet who will administer a vitamin K injection as an antidote.

Will the Rats/Mice die in my roof after eating the bait?

Rats generally live in burrows below ground or in rubbish or wood piles. The baits we use work by prevention of the rodents production of Vitamin K1 which acts to clot their blood. Over a period of 3-7 days the rats will die.

It is therefore much more likely that they will die outside your building than inside it. However it is possible and we can come to remove any rats and deodorize as part of another service.

Will my Dog/Cat be attracted to the baits?

No, the bait contains a bittering agent called Bitrex which makes it taste unpleasant to pets and humans.

Nevertheless we always place the baits in locations that your pets do not have access to as a precaution, we also use lockable stations.

What rats damage my property?

Rats can eat a wide variety of building materials, stored products, and of course food that you eat, they have been known to be the cause of many house fires as they chew through electrical wiring, they also have the potential to spread a wide variety of diseases.

Termites (13)

I have “dirt” inside the house that reappears on my wall after I clean it. What should I do?

LEAVE IT ALONE. This dirt may only be evidence of black ant or cockroach activity or it may be something more sinister such as termites. Call our office immediately.

Will the chemical be safe for my children, especially my baby?

The chemicals we use now are much safer than those used in the past. The chemicals we use now have low toxicity levels.

We do recommend however that if you have young children that you leave the house during the time the chemical is being applied. The chemicals are all injected underground.

Will I need to vacate the house while you are doing the termite chemical treatment?

There is no requirement but as a precaution especially if there is a chance you may be pregnant we suggest that you leave prior to chemical application.

How much would a full Termite barrier treatment cost?

There are many different treatment methods, please call our office for a free no obligation quotation.

What can I do to help prevent termites?

DO NOT store timber or wood based material under or against the house

DO NOT build up soil, mulch or garden beds against the house

DO fix up leaking plumbing and ensure there is good drainage around the house

DO keep all sub-floor areas clean, dry and well ventilated

DO have Pest Patrol conduct thorough inspections of your home and surrounds at least every 12 months, and more frequently in high risk situations.

How often should I get an inspection?

The Australian standard recommends at least every 12 months. Termites eat 7 days a week 24hours a day causing major damage to your home and surrounding structures, this is why termite inspections are so important.

Most people have home and motor vehicle insurance and yet are unaware that termites do more damage than fires, floods, storms and earthquakes combined in Australia, almost all home insurance policies do not cover termite damage.

Why do I need annual inspections when I have had a termite treatment?

The termite treatment is a barrier around the outside of the house which is highly effective at keeping termites away from your home but there can be problems with the construction of the house, there may be cracks in the concrete, the barrier can also be disturbed by trades people  carrying out garden alterations etc

Can I spray the termites with a fly spray?

Where possible we ask our clients to avoid disturbing termites before a thorough inspection can be carried out.

Disturbing termites may make it difficult to assess the extent of the infestation and may prevent identification of the termite species.

How much damage can termites do?

Termites have the potential to effectively destroy the structural integrity of a home. In the worst case houses, have been demolished because of the damage termites do.

More commonly they may eat out door frames, skirting boards, window frames, kitchen or bathroom cabinets or wooden floors and of course roof timbers.

The damage bill may be anything from a few hundred dollars to many thousands of dollars.

I have a new house so I don’t really need inspections yearly do I?

New houses are also at risk, and would require annual inspections to keep their warranty valid.

How quickly can termites do damage to a house?

Termites are able to do severe damage to a house over a period of months. Be aware when it comes to your home and eliminating pests you should never simply choose the cheapest provider, many people believe they can choose the budget option, but this can actually cost them a lot more in the long run.

Is Perth a bad place for termites?

Termites are a serious problem in Perth, causing damage that costs hundreds of millions of dollars to repair every year. Termites can be found throughout Australia.

They live in a nest or colony, from which they forage over large areas in search of timber their staple food. Once a source is found, workers strip and partially digest before returning to the nest to feed the colony.

Some colonies may contain over one million hungry termites, and the timbers used to build homes provide a very attractive meal. Attacking in large numbers, termites can feed to the point of leaving only a thin timber veneer, and this can happen in a matter of months.

Termite damage is not covered by your home insurance.

Millipedes (4)

What can I do to stop Millipedes?

Millipedes begin reproducing in early autumn and winter they are attracted to light, if you are able to turn off any external lights which are close to your house, and minimise any escape of light by closing blinds and curtains, use weather strips on doors as good door seals will also prevent entry in to the home, we treat millipedes with a chemical barrier residual spray, we recommend regular treatment to prevent infestation.

Are the chemicals you use safe?

The chemicals we apply are registered to be used in hospitals, schools and public places. All chemicals are applied with extreme care and in accordance with manufacturers label direction and appropriate codes of practice.

After my treatment how long will I need to wait until it is safe for my children?

We ask you to keep the children away until the chemical is dry, this may take several hours.

What warranty do you provide with your treatment?

  • Ants, Millipedes, Germen Cockroaches  1 Month,
  • Spiders, crickets, cockroaches’ rodents, 3 months.
  • Termites 12 months after a full treatment, if there was some fault in our treatment.