
Redback Spider

Our Buildings and gardens are ideal for spiders because they provide food and an anchorage for their webs or soil for their tunnels.

Spiders can bite and cause pain and even death; luckily deaths in Australia are rare, although there are documented cases of people becoming very sick after being bitten by one of our toxic spiders.

We set up a guaranteed treatment to control them  in a building; we inspect and identify areas of concern.

We apply dust to your roof void, and a surface spray outside your home to walls, paths, gutters, baseboards, soffits, around windows and door frames, fence lines, sheds, garages and garden furniture.

We advise to keep pets and children out of the area sprayed for up to 4 hours until the liquid is dry.

Also please be aware that there will be some spiders that come out of hiding after being sprayed and are not yet dead for 24hrs, so please wear sensible foot wear when outside.

We give a 3 month warranty for spider treatments, during this time we spot treat outside only, as the dust lays dormant in the roof space for up to 1 year.

Please note when the treatment is carried out your home is fully furnished so there could be spiders hiding under furniture that is not accessible to the technician and these spiders are not covered under the warranty, however if you have a problem with spiders inside the home particularly please advise technician when on site as there are additional spider treatments we can use to control this.


Dangerous Spider Bites and First Aid:

In Perth the main spiders of concern are Red back and White tail spiders.

Red Back:

Only the female spiders bite in dangerous. Early symptoms are pain, sweating including local sweating at bite site, muscular weakness, nausea and vomiting. Antivenom is available.

White Tail:

White tail spider bites can cause initial burning pain followed by swelling and itchiness at the bitten area, blistering or local ulceration have been reported.

If you think you have been bitten, seek medical treatment immediately and phone poisons information centre on 13 11 26.