Turf Care and Weed Solution

Turf Care

Aquaforce – Professional Wetting Treatment

Well established as a preferred wetting agent by superintendents and green keepers for golf, bowls and playing fields. Aquaforce breaks down your soil to allow water penetration and stop water pooling. Aquaforce is environmentally friendly and can last up to 12 months. $132.00 (200sq M maximum)

Bi-Agra – Lawn Water Retainer Treatment

Moisture retaining aid that provides excellent penetration. Superior moisture retention in highly draining sand and in water repellent soils. Retains up to 5 times the normal amount of moisture held in the root zone at field capacity. Can reduce watering by 50% (imagine the water bill savings!) $145.00 (200sq M maximum)

Special Fex – Adds Lawn Nutrients & Darker Green Lawn

Special Fex combines the synergistic effects on iron, manganese and nitrogen to provide a dark green colour to your turf. $145.00 (200sq M maximum)

Weed Control

A weed is a wild plant that grows where it is not wanted and is in competition with cultivated plants. Weeds can be treated with non-selective or selective herbicides. Pest Patrol WA likes to minimise and combat these unwanted weeds without affecting the rest of your garden.

Domestic Clients and Semi-Rural

Garden beds for couch grass and general flat weeds, lawns for all flat weeds including: bindii, clover and dandelion. Paving pathways and driveways for all grasses and general weeds, farmlands and hobby farms for all noxious and declared weeds including: Paterson’s curse capeweed and watsonia.

Commercial Clients
Government and Industry Clients
For your “FREE No Obligation Appraisal” call our friendly staff today on (08) 9562 5903 or 1300 PEST PTRL

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